This is the perfect Spa item for your shower. In a 100% cotton cloth drawstring bag I have combined a selection of herbs and some mild unscented soap to give you a reusable shower bag to either wake you up in the morning or relax you in the evening.
** You choose which blend of herbs you prefer.**
Relaxing Shower Bag -- herb & soap filled bag to pamper your body in the shower. This reusable cotton bag contains a blend of soap and herbs formulated to provide soothing relaxation. The bag contains chamomile, lemon verbena and thyme with a pure, natural soap with no perfume. Formulated for those who want the relaxing effects of herbs, but just can't slow down long enough to take an herbal bath. Each bag can be used multiple times until the soap is exhausted. To gain best of the herbal benefits, the bag should come in contact with the skin.
Wake-up Shower Bag -- herb & soap filled bag to pamper your body in the shower. This reusable cotton bag contains a blend of soap and herbs to provide an exhilarating wake-up to your morning shower. This bag contains lemon balm, marjoram, peppermint, savory, and yarrow with a pure, natural soap with no perfumes. This bag is formulated for those who enjoy the invigorating effects of herbs, but just can't slow down long enough to take a bath. Each bag can be used multiple times until the soap is exhausted. To gain best of the herbal benefits, the bag should come in contact with the skin.
The herbs used in these bags are fresh, home-grown and hand blended. I raise my herbs organically and blend them without fillers or preservatives. You get the freshest dried healthful herbs available and the shelf-life will exceed 12 months.